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Аудиокнига - The adventures of Levko. Fairy tale
★★★★★ 5/5
- Автор: Виктория Зонова
- Серия: Сказки и стихи
- Категории и жанры: детская психология, детские книги, детские приключения, книги по психологии, психология, мотивация, родителям, сказки
- Читает: Сергей Романович Рыжков
- Вид: audiobook
- Язык: Аудиокниги на русском языке
- Формат: mp3
- Возрастное ограничение: 6
- На Prosoundbook с: 07.02.2023
- Правообладатель: ЛитРес: чтец
Victoria Zonova is a modern Russian writer, psychologist and illustrator of books for children. She creates fascinating therapeutic fairy tales with love and a subtle understanding of the child’s psyche. In her fairy tales, good miracles seem real, and the main characters are always children. Victoria is a mother of three children. And the eldest son inspired her to write this book. A fairy tale about the adventures of a boy and a cat. This fairy tale will teach friendship, courage and resourcefulness. Read with your children, plunging into the magical world of fantasy.